Thursday, March 30, 2017

It's Coming Along!

Welcome back! I happy to tell you that my project is finally coming along. Yesterday I was able to take all the pictures for my two-page spread. However, I did experience a few problems. I had planned to take the pictures with my Nikon camera, but I never really learned how to take images in motion, such as a football game. So, I searched for a quick tutorial video on shutter speed. This feature freezes a moving image. Yet, I found nothing. I was getting so frustrated, but I realized that there's another feature which can automatically capture these images. I found it, changed it and I headed to the football fields! I went to my friend’s flag football practice, where I captured a few moments with the team and during the game. I then made another stop at the YMCA pool to take various action shots of the water polo team in practice. I was very happy of how my images came out and I can’t wait to start writing the two-page spread this weekend. Here is a sneak peek of some of the moments I managed to capture:

Before I sign out, let me announce a few updates. First off, I realized that my title for the magazine is already taken. This was very disappointing, however, I’m actually glad that I realized sooner before starting the magazine. I have not found the new title, but I am continuously searching and brainstorming other options. Next, I have finally narrowed down what I am going to write about in each page for the spread. On the first page, it will discuss background information of the two sports and why they might not be considered a girl sport. The next page will consist of an interview on the two athletes. These are some of the questions: 

On Friday, I will start the photoshoot for my cover image. My friend and I are coming up with a variety of ideas for different poses and different close-up shots we can take. I will talk further about my experience and show you some behind the scenes images on my next blog.

Sofia, signing out!

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